Wednesday 22 February 2012

Getting started!

After a hectic start to the year already, I now feel the creative momentum and energy to start new projects and commit to implementing ideas into practice! I have noticed that natural energy and spontaneity flows when:

A) I allow it to!
B) When I dismiss the should's and could's!
C) When I accept the here and now
D) When I listen...

Yes... Resistance can be strong and is a theme that has been present for me for MANY MANY years however even now on reflection I want to embrace loving kindness to that process and use the tidal metaphor of energy ebbing and flowing. So right now, I am in the flow... Lets see where I go...

First step has been setting up this blog spot to share. Tick.


1 comment:

  1. Well done Em, fab start - can't wait read more. Mrs G x
